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Medway Valley FisheriesMedway Valley


Medway Valley Fisheries reserve the right to make amendments to our membership policy and rules, as and when we see fit, and with no prior notice. It is every Member's responsibility to check the website regularly, and before every visit to the fishery, to keep informed of any updates that have been made. 




Updated 17th January 2025

  1. Biosecurity is of the upmost importance on our fishery! All nets, landing mats and flotation slings MUST BE BONE DRY before being brought on to site and used on any of our waters.
  2. All members must always carry a valid Environment Agency Rod and Line licence and a valid Medway Valley Fisheries membership card. This will be checked by our bailiffs and failure to produce either of these on request will result in you being asked to leave the fishery.
  3. Membership of Medway Valley Fisheries is valid for one year only. Renewal of membership is not automatic. Members are invited to renew at our discretion. We reserve the right to decide who is/is not permitted to fish our waters without explanation.
  4. All members and non-members enter any Medway Valley Fisheries venue at their own risk. Medway Valley Fisheries accepts no responsibility for losses or damage to property whilst on site.
  5. The security of our fishery is of paramount importance and all gates must be secured and locked whenever arriving or leaving the fishery.
  6. A maximum speed of 5mph is in force on all waters (this is walking pace!) Do not drive around the lakes looking for an available swim, park in the car park and walk around. Only when you have chosen your swim may you drive to it. Always park with consideration for others.
  7. All members and non-members visiting our waters for any reason other than fishing must not drive or park on site. They must use the car parks provided and walk in instead.
  8. You are only permitted to have one non-angling guest accompany you whilst fishing. It is strictly one bivvy per swim on all waters so if they are staying overnight, they must share your shelter. We don’t do day tickets or guest fishing tickets.
  9. All swims across our fishery are designed for one bivvy and no more than four rods. There are no double swims on any of our waters. If you wish to share a swim with another angler, then you will need to share a bivvy (two-man is fine) and you will be restricted to two rods each. If you are fishing on one of our waters that has vehicular access to the swims, you are only permitted to park one vehicle behind your swim. Any additional vehicles will need to be left in the designated car park area.
  10. A maximum stay of 48 hours is allowed on any of our waters, and you must not return to the lake for the next 48 hours. During any session you are permitted to leave your swim for up to 2 hours. All tackle left unattended is entirely at the owner’s risk. Tackle left for longer than 2 hours will be removed by our bailiffs.
  11. Fishing is from designated swims only.
  12. Your fishing area is half the distance between you and your neighbouring swim, and half the distance to the swims directly opposite you, regardless of whether a swim is occupied or not! Common sense and good angling etiquette is expected at all times. BROOKLANDS MEMBERS MUST ADHERE TO THE CASTING DISTANCES MAP THEY HAVE BEEN ISSUED.
  13. You must maintain sufficient control over any rod and line in the water and remain in contact with them at all times. This will be enforced at the discretion of the bailiffs. If you wish to socialise with another angler on the lake you must reel in!
  14. Due to the local wildlife and dogs that visit the fishery, always remove any bait from your rods when they are not in the water.
  15. Strictly no fires of any description.
  16. Any member that introduces a new member to Medway Valley Fisheries that subsequently gets banned, will also face a ban themselves.
  17. You must ensure that you have the correct unhooking aids with you e.g. forceps/disgorgers, fish safe antiseptic solution, and a large soft walled landing mat of at least 1 meter in length capable of containing fish of 50lb. A well-made landing net of at least 42 inches is also required. “Carp Cradles” with any kind of rigid structure in them are banned.
  18. Bailiffs have the authority to request that you reel in one or all your fishing rods at any time to check that no illegal baits or rigs are being used. Rig checks will be carried out across all waters monthly.
  19. No Leaders of any description (no tapered mainlines). No Lead-core, No Braided Mainline. (Braid is allowed on Marker and Spod rods).
  20. A minimum mainline of .35mm diameter must be used.
  21. No Zig Rigs are permitted.
  22. Soft rig tubing containing no metal, with a minimum length of 30cm, must be always used on our waters and please avoid slack lines. This is due to the large quantity of Zebra and Pea Mussel beds in our lakes.
  23. No back leading!
  24. No fixed leads.
  25. Leads should be no heavier than 4oz.
  26. Only micro barbed hooks maybe used except for pike angling where only barbless trebles may be used (no crushed barbs).
  27. Floatation slings and landing nets are the only way to retain a fish while you prepare for unhooking and photography. Do not retain fish for longer than is necessary and in any case a maximum of 1 hour.
  28. When netting, weighing and photographing fish please ensure you take the upper most care to protect the fish. If you are in any doubt about the health of the fish, please return it to the water immediately.
  29. No wading under any circumstances on any Medway Valley Fisheries waters. No waders are to be brought on to any of our waters.
  30. Boats and Bait Boats are banned on all waters.
  31. No baiting poles/spoons are to be used on our fishery.
  32. Nuts (including Tiger Nuts) and particles are banned. The only exception is sweetcorn and hemp which are limited to 2kg per 24 hours.
  33. No oil-based pellets (Halibut, Trout, Salmon).
  34. No plastic baits of any description.
  35. Swims may not be reserved by any member and are strictly on a first come first served basis.
  36. Brooklands and Abbey members only - you are permitted to place a significant item of tackle e.g. bivvy/unhooking mat (not a bucket!) in your chosen swim while you go and collect your vehicle, you must return to your chosen swim within 15 minutes.
  37. A maximum of 3 rods is allowed on any water, except for Brooklands and Abbey Meads where you can purchase a permit for a 4th rod (please contact the membership office via e-mail to purchase).
  38. Junior members are limited to 2 rods.
  39. Junior members that wish to fish between the hours of 6pm to 6am (overnight) must always accompanied by an adult.
  40. You are responsible for any litter in and around your swim. You must take all litter home with you, including teabags and cigarette butts.
  41. We have a common interest in the consideration of both our environment and members of the public, so please be aware of your surroundings and show them respect accordingly.
  42. No trees or vegetation are to be cut back or damaged for any reason and please respect all wildlife.
  43. Human waste is just about the worst waste there is, either use the on-site toilet facilities where applicable or take it home.
  44. All our bailiffs are handpicked and work closely with Medway Valley Fisheries. The bailiff’s decisions are final.
  45. Abusive behaviour of any kind will not be tolerated under any circumstances whether it be towards a member of the fishery management, a bailiff, a fellow member, or a member of the public.
  46. Any incidents of rule breaking should be reported directly to the Bailiff Team Leader via the office as soon as possible.
  47. Excessive consumption of alcohol while fishing will not be tolerated. While having a few beers is considered fine, drunken behaviour will see you removed from our waters!
  48. Any press articles that refer to Medway Valley Fisheries, its staff, its officers, or any of its lakes must first be approved by the Fisheries Manager prior to being released. Failure to do this will result in an instant ban.
  49. Your membership card and key always remain the property of Medway Valley Fisheries. Your key is purchased and is non-refundable. All Memberships are non-refundable 7 days after purchase. If you are subsequently banned from Medway Valley Fisheries for any reason you must return both card and key. We reserve the right to take legal action to recover these items, at your expense if necessary.
  50. Members are permitted to bring well behaved dogs fishing with them, providing they are kept on lead and within their swim.
  51. Each member is entitled to two weeks (14 days) “holiday” per year on their specific water. This can only be taken in blocks of 7 day at a time and must be booked at least one week in advance. We allow a maximum of 3 holiday bookings per lake per week. You can only apply for a holiday week by contacting the Membership Office via e-mail and you will require a confirmation e-mail in return. Full terms and conditions of “Holiday” bookings are available from the office.
  52. Do not visit our fishery under any circumstances if you or any of your household are displaying symptoms of COVID-19. Please stay at home and follow the Government Guidelines on testing and self-isolation. Everyone has a continued responsibility to always practice good hygiene whilst on Fishery premises. Please continue to take precautions when handling locks and using the on-site facilities. We advise all members to always use and carry hand gel upon their person. All P.P.E and waste must be taken home with you.

Medway Valley Fisheries Membership Office, 22 Pipers Drive, Christchurch, BH23 4TR

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