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Medway Valley FisheriesMedway Valley

OUR WATERS - Abbey Meads

  Lake info
Lake Size: 34 acres
Depths: n/a
Swims: 22
Access: Excellent
Facilities: Car park
  Fish info
Carp to: 40lb
Pike to: 30lb
Tench to: 13lb
Bream to: 15lb
Perch to: 3lb
Our team has spent a great deal of time and work on Abbey Meads over the past few years. We have, and continue to invest substantially to make Abbey Meads the premier syndicate water in Kent.

The remedial works to the lake are complete and and we have an ongoing stocking programme to augment the existing stock which has created a fantastic fishing environment. The lake currently holds a large head of Carp in the 20 and 30lb region, as well as several 40's. The water is incredibly rich and is more than capable of supporting a much higher biomass than it it has in the past. It also holds a good head of double figure Tench, Pike that go over 20lb and a large amount of Roach and Perch.

Ultimately Abbey Meads is a big fish water, with a small membership. Have no doubt, this will become one of the most sought after tickets in the South East over time; with our knowledge of fisheries and business, coupled with substantial financial resources it will ultimately become the proverbial dead man’s shoes to join!

Medway Valley Fisheries Membership Office, 22 Pipers Drive, Christchurch, BH23 4TR

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